Sean and I had the joy of hosting our second Thanksgiving. We had a house full of family. My mom, Adam and Christy, Jack and Sheryl, and my Aunt Vida and cousins Jim and Alice. OH, and Louis and Sid, too :)
We started preparing the menu weeks before, finally settling on the most traditional meal we've had in years! And you know what? It was
delicious! I felt like I was starting to catch something the Sunday before. I was so lucky that I was able to kick it before anything took real havoc on me. Sean was awesome and did the grocery shopping for me on Monday so I could stay in and rest as much as possible. Thankfully by Tuesday I was feeling like myself again!
I made myself a timeline on Monday of things I needed to get done. My mom was doing the same thing, remotely. She drove down on Wednesday. So on Monday, Sean bought the groceries and I made the sweet potatoes. Tuesday, I made the cranberry sauce. Wednesday, Sean picked up the turkey from Whole Foods and got it in the brine, and I did half of the chopping for the dressing. My mom baked the cornbread at home before she came. I worked on cleaning around the house a little each day. My mom brought a ham. We put the green bean casserole together and made the pecan pie on Wednesday night. The dressing was thrown together on Thursday morning. I think that's it other than the rolls. It was way less stressful breaking each dish up this way. By the time Thursday afternoon rolled around, all we had left to do was fry the turkey and heat everything else up!!
I was able to capture a few pictures of the day :)
I decided to use my real china plates that my mom picked out for me from different flea markets back when I got married. I love the way they look on our old beat up antique table.
For the centerpiece on the main dining table I used clippings from our yard, including fresh herbs!
The other table was set with some pretty flowers that Christy brought me! And I had a little pumpkin for each table. I had candles as well, but of course I forgot to light them (I always do this!). My mom burns the bread. I forget to light candles. Pick your battle ;)
Sid is an awesome baby, but he was particularly awesome on Thanksgiving! I think there was just so much going on that he never got bored. He was entertained by watching us all move around like crazy people (except really, it was pretty calm and not crazy)!
With every large food event comes at least one hiccup, right? My mom brought Sean my dad's electric turkey fryer a few weeks ago when she was visiting. We never opened the box, just stuck it in a corner until we needed it. Well, come Thanksgiving morning, Sean opened the box to get everything set-up, only to find the electrical cord was not in the box! Oooooooh my goodness. The cord is probably laying around somewhere in my dad's barn, in Arkansas, on the mountain. Fantastic! And completely helpful (not!). We jumped online to see where we could run out and buy another one (options being limited seeing as how it was Thanksgiving morning!). It was only 9am, so worse case scenario we could always roast the turkey (Chef Sean did NOT want to abort his frying mission!). We found that Walmart had one. Sean left for the hunt. After almost an hour passed and he wasn't home yet, I called him because I just didn't have a good feeling. He was leaving Kroger. Excuse me, Kroger? Online Walmart was wrong. They had no more electric turkey fryers. While there, he got a call from his mom who was in charge of bringing pumpkin pie. She made one that was really good, but not a traditional one. Sean said he was out anyway & he'd run into the grocery store and pick up a traditional one for us to have as well. He looked there for a fryer. They didn't have an electric one, but they had a propane one. Done. We had no other option. He came home and got busy putting the thing together.
Sid, Grammy, and I enjoyed the show (and it was a show, a show of frustration, what joy!)!
Louis was a part of the fun, too, but he was more interested in trying to catch a bird than take a photo!
Jack and Sheryl got to the house around 11 and they jumped right in to help!
Time to fry the turkey! Christy made Sean a "bionic arm" so that he wouldn't get any hot grease on him!
Uncle Adam and Aunt Christy were great babysitters while I was busy getting things together inside. We were so lucky that the day was so beautiful. We love enjoying our patio when the weather is nice :)
We sure missed our DC family, but 3 Traylor's together is better than none :)
Sid's Great Aunt Vida has been dying to meet him! It was an instant bond, don't ya think?
Louis could not be any cuter in this picture! I just love that little pup!
Nana helped entertain Sid!
Can you tell they are related? I can't help but see my dad when I stare at these two!
Couldn't have pulled this day off without this mama! She's the bestest :)
We planned to eat at 1, but in true Traylor fashion - we didn't sit down until 2. Totally fine! It just made the food taste that much better because we were hungry!!
Chef Sean carving his turkey. It turned out really good. I think he was actually, maybe, a little bit, happy with it :)
Nothing sweeter than a table filled with family!
It was a lot of fun getting to host everyone at our house. I was a little stressed at the thought of having 11 people for the meal, but it turned out great! Thanks to everyone chipping in - we got the day done, 99% stress free! Yay! Now, let's remember this stress free year in years to come. It can be simple and still perfectly tasty!
That evening we ate a full plate of leftovers (don't judge!) and watched the LSU game! We won! GEAUX TIGERS! Nice way to end the terrible season we had, I guess.
On Friday Adam and Christy headed back to Shreveport. We went to eat at Uncle Julio's before they hit the road. Sid loved watching all the action in the busy restaurant. Totally entertained :)
Saturday morning my mom and I ran some errands for my cousin's baby shower we are throwing her next weekend in Shreveport. Sean and Sid stayed home and went for a walk together. While in Hobby Lobby, I got this text...
How cute! I love that his daddy can take care of him and I don't have to worry - at all - about if he can handle it!
The rest of the day was spent just hanging out. We FaceTimed with our DC family, we got our tree up, and Grammy watched Sid so Sean and I could run some errands. She enjoyed listening to Christmas music while sewing on the stocking she's making Sidney. I am so in love with it. I love a homemade craft. I don't like when stockings are store bought and matchy matchy. I like the eclectic look. Where each stocking tells a story. I am so excited to see it hanging amongst the rest of ours this Christmas :)
Sid was a lot of help! He even took his clothes off ;)
For dinner that night, Sean cooked chicken fried steak with thyme gravy and mashed potatoes! Isn't that what every family wants 2 days after a huge Thanksgiving meal? Trust me, it was totally doable. And really darn good!
We are so thankful for many things. But perhaps our biggest blessing this year is our little Sidney Loyd. We are so thankful for his beautiful, innocent little life.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!