yesterday during a study break (yes, that's what this is as well, a break!), i was playing around online for some decorating ideas.
side note: sean and i recycle E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G. the recycling sits in a blue trash bag on top of my washing machine. it always has b/c i have never had room for an extra trash can. it drives me nuts, but it's for a good cause so i have just learned to deal with it!
ok, back to yesterday's study break...i was on the PBteen web site and found THIS!
how cute, right? i got SOOO excited thinking i had the perfect spot for it, and it's cute enough to be seen! problem: i forgot to look at the size before getting stupid excited over this silly green (or white) trash can! it's only 14.5" tall!!!! Ughhhh :(( if anyone sees anything else like this, PLEASE let me know! it's the best looking one i've seen! if only it were 10" taller! sigh, so sad.
i obviously will not solve that dilemma, but i do plan on conquering the leftover picture hanging, closet organizing, and bathroom decorating. wish me luck!
oh yea, and also this weekend...SAINTS! WHO DAT!!!!!
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