

Friday Update...I mean THURSDAY!

Basically, none of us know what day it is.  We wake up early, go to the hospital, sit, wait, talk, laugh, eat, sit, wait, sit, wait, and on and on until the mid evening hours.

This morning (ok really I think it's Thursday!) my mom and I got to the hospital around 8, just after his radiation.  He looked good and had a good report from the night.  All but one problem.  He is now having major stomach cramping, like shooting pain.  They gave him some good meds to help this and he was in good spirits most of the day.  Dr. Campagna (his hospital doc) showed up around 9.  When she heard about the pain, she instantly decided it was time to order him a CT scan.  As much as we were hoping we would be packing him up and heading home today, we were all pretty glad we are going to take another step into figuring his issue out so we can fix it!

Wolff showed his face shortly after...didn't have anything new to say, but we will meet with him longer tomorrow with the scan results.  We are seriously hoping and praying that whatever it is won't be serious and can be easily fixed so we can get him out of there and into a little more normal (whatever that word even means anymore!).

We sat around all afternoon and waited for them to come take him to his CT.  I got some work done while my parents had fun shopping online.  Everyone was in a good mood so I was playing music off my computer and all of a sudden Cee Lo Green, Forget You came on my iTunes.  As we were all sitting, dancing, singing, I couldn't help but laugh at the thought of...wouldn't it be funny if Wolff walked through the door right now!  We all got a chuckle out of that and wondering if he would join in and bust a move, HA!!

Early evening my dad was having some pain again so they gave him some more meds to help get him comfortable again.  My mom decided to stay up in the room with him tonight.  She was feeling more rested and ready to have a night by his side :)  We are hoping for some early morning results also, so she didn't want to miss the doctor.

I am at the apartment, glad to be here relaxing.  I will be back at the hospital bright and early!

For now, our prayer is for a good report tomorrow along with answers.  Also, a good night sleep because we all could use one of those.

I miss SP so much!  He is coming down on Saturday.  It will be nice to have someone else entertain for a while!

Prayers going UP!!!  Goodnight :)

OH!  One more thing...just to show you how brain dead I feel...when I left the hospital tonight, I walked around level 2 and 3 before realizing I parked the car on level 4 this morning.  Sheesh!  It is all running together.

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