

10th Class or 500th Class?

This morning SP and I got up and headed to Fire class.  This class is 98.6 degrees with 60% humidity.  SP had been to one Fire before, but I had never been in a class over 90 degrees.  We went together with our heads held high, feeling proud that we were about to complete our 10th hot yoga class.  They say the first 10 are the hardest, and I think I agree :)

I've told you about the wristbands before, but they give them out as students hit different plateaus of their practice.  The first plateau being the completion of 10 classes.  SP and I had a thing where since we started this practice together, we really wanted our wristbands presented together in class.

So let me tell you about this morning.  The instructor walks in and says, "I am so excited because I have a 10 class wristband to hand out to Catherine Parks!"  As she walks over to me with my wristband, I'm thinking...oh ok, I guess she isn't going to present them together and she will present SP's right after me.  So she did a little presentation talking about what the symbolism means, etc. and next thing I know, we are standing in the middle of our mats starting the first breathing exercise!  SP looks at me and we sort of smile and shrug our shoulders, like, "huh? oh well!"

Class was great!  SERIOUS workout!  My heart rate was UP, and I may as well have been hanging out in New Orleans in the middle of summer.  The humidity...oh my!  It causes you to sweat like you've never sweated before!  Sweat is literally flying, rolling, of you.  It's gross!!  But I sort of love it.

So class ends and I was pretty proud of the fact that I was able to do the entire class w/o much dizziness.  We laid in savasana (total relaxation pose) for a few minutes in the dark, letting our bodies cool down and our heart rates come back down to normal.

We went our separate ways into the locker rooms and reunited in the front where we always enjoy discussing our progress with the instructors afterwards.  As I'm talking to one, SP finds the teacher from our class and says, "Hey thanks for leaving me out of the 10th class recognition!!"  She was so confused and didn't understand what happened.  He told her it was his 10th class as well, and next thing we know, she said, "Well, I saw your purple wristband and thought it was your 500th class!"  SP and I about fell on the floor laughing!  FIVE-HUNDRED??  Didn't she see him us in there?  Long story short, SP has been wearing his purple Journey Into Tranquility bracelet in each class.  This bracelet is purple.  The bands they hand out, each color has a different meaning.  So when she saw he had a purple bracelet, she assumed that's what it meant!  SO FUNNY!  SP and I were so determined to get our wristbands together, and then THAT happened!  HA!

SP will be presented with his RED wristband, showing his TENTH class during his 11th class :)  I guess some instructor forgot to sign him in during one of his classes, and this is where the mix-up happened!

1 comment:

Adam Traylor said...

That's great for you two! Congrats. Also, very funny about SP and the purple bracelet. I can hear him both saying, "Hey thanks for leaving me out" and also laughing at the reason why she didn't give him one.