

Sidney Loyd - 3 Months

I suppose it's possible.

But I'm not sure how!

Sean and I have a 3 month old!

Never ever has time flown by so fast. Never. Ever.


Sidney Loyd fills my heart full.

And seeing my family of 3 together...even fuller! (is that even a word?) This has been a really fun month with Sid. I am so proud of him and his development!

He loves:

` sucking his entire hand, sometimes thumb only

` to scream during tummy time, although we are getting much better at this!

` being naked!

` falling asleep to the sounds of the ocean

` grabbing things!

` smiling at mommy and daddy

` talking! talking! talking! or shall I say coo! coo! coo!

` pulling up when you hold his fingers - he loves to sit up

` LSU tigers of course!

` watching football, mostly with daddy, but sometimes alone.

I love every single day with Sidney. We are still going strong with our 90 minutes awake and 90 minutes play. It is still working really well for him.  One thing that he has gotten great at is self soothing. I can basically just put him down in his crib and only go in once or twice before he fully falls asleep. Sometimes not at all. And usually when I do go in it's because the paci fell out and he is wanting to suck! He doesn't need to be picked up or rocked. This is awesome. Even though sometimes I wish I could just snuggle him in the rocker for his entire nap!

Thank you, Sid, for the past 3 months! You have brought us pure joy!

Labor Day & The Week Before

The weekend before Labor Day, Grammy and Louis drove down for a visit. This was mainly due to the fact that Sid and I were ready to spend a week with her on the mountain! I knew we would all be gathering together in Arkansas for Labor Day, so I devised a plan to get us there sooner! My plan was for her to drive here the weekend before so that Sid and I could ride back with her for the week. Sean met us in Arkansas on Thursday! Shawn and Yasha also came on Thursday.

The Friday my mom drove down, she got here soooo fast! If you tell a Grammy she better hurry if she wants to see her grandson before he goes to bed, you better stay out of her way!

Yay! Together again :)

We had a good weekend. On Saturday morning we met Jack & Sheryl at the farmer's market. It was a beautiful morning - not cool, but definitely a nice breeze! Sean had one of his fantasy football drafts later that afternoon in Dallas. Sid and I were glad to have Grammy to hang out with. Her being here allowed me to get out of the house for a little while by myself. I had a few errands I needed to run in Southlake. It felt nice to get out and walk around a bit without a stroller! The rest of the day we were just lazy, which was really nice. We did get out one last time because we needed to do a little baby shopping :) We didn't find much, but did find a cute snuggly bear that Grammy insisted he needed (I completely agree!)

Sid woke up around 5 Sunday morning. I stayed up after nursing him and got everything packed up to hit the road. We left our house around 9. Sid was great in the car! He slept the whole way! Well, except for when he woke up to blow spit bubbles, silly boy! We only had to stop to feed him one time. He's awesome :)

Sid took a day to adjust being away from home. By Tuesday we were back to normal. On Tuesday we hosted The Reynold's and Becky (aka Sid's Aunt Voodoo) for dinner. We made Pioneer Woman's oven baked BBQ chicken, twice baked potatoes, and salad. Yummy!

Becky holding Mr. Sidney
We love hanging out on Grammy's bed!
Tickle Tickle!

We were super excited to see Sean, Shawn, and Yasha on Thursday! Yasha has been so ready to meet his new baby cousin! We were able to capture their first meeting on video. Too funny!

Shawn and Sean spent their days helping check things off of my mom's "Sonny Do" list! out her spice cabinet was not on the list. But he just can't help himself! He loves cleaning things out for her so he can find really old things and then say to her, "LINDA! I found something with the date 1990 on it!" (ok, so maybe I'm exaggerating on the year...a little!)

On Saturday, Adam joined us and we were all ready to cheer on the Tigers! Sean woke up early (6am) to smoke a brisket for us to have for kickoff! Unfortunately it didn't turn out exactly the way her wanted - but once we figured out the correct way of cutting it, we were very pleased with how it turned out.

Showing Sid his Grampa's barn.
Smokin' the brisket! 
Love this cutie!
Yasha was so happy to see his Uncle Adam! 
Blurry family photo. O'well.

Grammy put together a fun treasure hunt for Yasha and Sid!  Yasha had a blast following the treasure map, and Sid, well, I think he enjoyed it, too.

Drawing a pirate ship! 
Playing hop scotch
Searching for the painted rock
Grammy with her little pirates!

Adam had to leave on Monday. We were sad to see him go, but we knew he needed to get back to Christy who hasn't been feeling well. Shawn fried catfish on Monday night and oh my gosh it was heavenly! I love fried catfish!

The rest of the days we just chilled and worked around the house.

Uncle Shawn & Yasha working hard for a giggle!
Yasha loved riding on Grammy's tractor!
Taking it easy on the porch while everyone else worked in the yard
(it pays to have a baby, ha! j/k)
Yasha was such a good helper!

We had such a great time being together as a family on Grammy's mountain. We made it home Wednesday and Shawn and Yasha left on Thursday. I am sure the house must be quiet now, but it won't be long until we are back again! Actually, Grammy, I think you're coming here next!