

Will & Maya are ONE

I don't know where this past year has gone! Oh wait! Yes I's gone to Will & Maya, and their brother Sid. Let me tell ya, being a mom of three, let alone 2 babies simultaneously is Challenging -with a capitol C! Our babies are now a year old! I haven't been able to keep up with a monthly post for the twins. Rather than beat myself up about that, I am going to just give myself grace and know that I did the best I could do. Thankfully, Instagram is packed full of their story! I am going to post their monthly photos here. I gave pretty good descriptions of them, on most of the months, I think :) Here it goes!

1 month - February

2 months - March

3 months - April

4 Months - May

5 months - June

6 months - July

7 months - August

 8 months - September

 9 months - October

 10 months - November

11 months - December

12 months - January

These babies, along with their older brother, are our life. It's not glamorous by any means. But we love them LOVE THEM, & would do anything on earth for them. Happy first birthday, Will! Happy first birthday, Maya! We. Love. You!!! 


The first 3 months

Wow! We are already 3 months into this whole twin + toddler thing! People - it's doable! (With lots and looooots of help of course!). 

Both Will and Maya took to nursing right away. Maya was a little tough to latch at first, but she quickly got the hang of it. Because of their size, we had to supplement with some formula at first. This was a HARD pill for this mama to swallow. Not that there is anything wrong with a formula fed baby! It's just not what I had planned for mine. Nursing came so naturally for Sid and I. I wanted the same journey with the twins.  After a month of nursing, then bottles, we finally got the OK from our doctor that we could drop the formula. 

The first two months for Will was pretty rough. He suffered from extreme gas pains that would keep him awake and squirmy most of the night. Maya had a lot of gas, too, but it didn't cause her pain like it seemed to do to her brother. Boy could sister grunt though! We would just laugh and laugh listening to her. Both the sweetest babies when feeling good! Will & Maya were sleeping in their own beds after about 2 weeks in our room. After that, Sean, Grammy, & I had to take night shifts and sleep on the couch in the nursery. Long nights they were indeed. Many of them spent holding sweet Will. Maya had issues with her eyes always being extremely goopy. We were constantly needing to wipe them out. It was no fun. 

Around 2.5 months, Maya broke out in a splotchy red rash that wouldn't go away. I sent a picture of it to our pediatrician and she immediately knew it was a reaction to something in my diet. I was told to give up dairy first. After doing a bit more research I gave up dairy and soy. After just one week - we were all amazed!! We had completely different babies! They were both so happy! Will and Maya both were all of a sudden thriving! Maya's rash was gone and her eyes cleared up. Will has been happy and in no more pain. Yay!!!