

Think GREEN! (and no, not nail polish this time!)

i moved into my new apartment in early november! i love it, but for some reason i just quit with the decorating and organizing! i'm sure it's because i was torturing myself with things that i wanted but didn't need to spend the money on (still true). anyway, this weekend i am dedicating myself (and sean- :)) ) to getting this place looking complete (without breaking the bank!!). I have two closets that are fully capable of storing way more than they currently are, but things were just tossed in them back in november and...well, the doors close!

yesterday during a study break (yes, that's what this is as well, a break!), i was playing around online for some decorating ideas.

side note: sean and i recycle
E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G. the recycling sits in a blue trash bag on top of my washing machine. it always has b/c i have never had room for an extra trash can. it drives me nuts, but it's for a good cause so i have just learned to deal with it!

ok, back to yesterday's study break...i was on the PBteen web site and found THIS!
image from PBteen

how cute, right? i got SOOO excited thinking i had the perfect spot for it, and it's cute enough to be seen! problem: i forgot to look at the size before getting stupid excited over this silly green (or white) trash can! it's only 14.5" tall!!!! Ughhhh :(( if anyone sees anything else like this, PLEASE let me know! it's the best looking one i've seen! if only it were 10" taller! sigh, so sad.

i obviously will not solve that dilemma, but i do plan on conquering the leftover picture hanging, closet organizing, and bathroom decorating. wish me luck!

oh yea, and also this weekend...SAINTS! WHO DAT!!!!!

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