

Friday Photo Dump!

Happy Friday! Here are our favorites from this week :)

Daddy put my outfit on backwards!
Dinner at Hibachi w/ the Bolton's that ended in date night (Sid was
there, too!) because Sloane screamed under the table the whole time!
Trying on my hat before the pool
Not sure what to think about all the kids in the pool!
Hopefully the second attempt will be better! He was not a happy camper.
Snuggles with mama after a tiring day at the pool.
He's my most favorite little boy!
Tummy time!!
Starting to grab and touch things.
Those cute feet in super cute socks :)
Silly Sid faces 
Loving his mobile his mama and Grammy made for him.
"I want more milk! Don't take me away!" 
Happy Birthday, Daddy! 
Daddy wanted me to have a Cowboys outfit for his birthday.
The cuteness gets to me.
Mommy bathed me since daddy was away.
Silly milk drunk baby
Now we are hanging out waiting on Grammy and Louis to arrive!!! Hope you have a lovely weekend!


Funny Sid Videos!

Sid is becoming so much more responsive to us. He loves to watch us and he really listens to what we say. He is clearly trying to just soak it all in! Here are a few funny videos of him from this past week (10 weeks old).


Margarita Mama!

When I was still pregnant, I would think about what I wanted my first drink post baby to be! I knew it had to be a margarita, at Anamia's, in Flower Mound, with  my cousins! This is one of the best margaritas ever and I missed it while being prego! When Jennifer, Carol, and Claire came over to see Sid a few weeks ago, I told them that before summer ended we had to make this happen. This past happened! And it was perfect timing for this mama.

Poor Sid got his 2 month shots on Friday and boy was it rough. He screamed and cried so hard his face was the color of a fire engine. I cried, he cried, and daddy wasn't sure what to do! Sean swooped Sid out of my arms and took him outside and he instantly calmed down. Meanwhile, I'm still in the doctors office making his next appointment, trying to hold my tears back in front of the entire office, ah! I felt like I could have cried for days. Dramatic? I suppose. No, I didn't keep crying, but I sure could have! I saved the rest of my tears for when we got back home. 

For some reason I was in denial and thought my child would be different from all of the other children in the world. I was told by many people, including my own mother, that I should probably give him some Tylenol before putting him down for a nap. Well, stubborn me decided I thought he was going to be fine! I couldn't wrap my head around the idea of giving him medication before he needed it. One hour later - my sweet Sidney woke up in complete terror! This mama freaked, grabbed him out of the crib to comfort him. Nothing was working! I ran to my bedroom with him in my arms to find the medicine that I had purchased the day before at Target. Of course it was still in the bag, on the floor, all packaged up. I frantically got it open. Keep in mind I still had a verrrrrrry loud, in pain, baby wailing in my arms!!! I filled up the syringe, and tried to get it into his mouth. I could not get him calm. So what do I do? CRY! & call my mom! Who didn't answer! AH! Thankfully she called me right back, but I think we about gave her a heart attack because I was crying and Sid was screaming, and she couldn't understand a word I was saying. I finally calmed myself down enough to tell her what was going on. She suggested I go walk Sid outside to calm him down. She was right. We raced outside and he immediately started to get calm. After a few minutes, I came back in and got the remainder of the medicine into his system. Phew. What a total mess! What lesson did I learn? GIVE THE BABY MEDICINE AFTER HIS SHOTS! He ended up running 100.1 fever. And the rest of the weekend he stayed in the 99 degree range, but no more fussiness at least!

Needless to say, Friday was a rough one for me. I was really glad to have a margarita on Saturday night after that day. So on Saturday, Sean and I made plans to get to Flower Mound around 4:30, which was Sid's next feeding. Believe it or not, we made it on time and our plan was still in tact! 

We got to Greg and Jennifer's...I nursed...everyone else visited...we all loaded up...and to the restaurant we went! It was nice to get there early because it gets really crowded on Saturday nights.

I didn't even get halfway through the margarita before letting Sean know that I was already feeling tipsy and that he was going to have to be in charge of holding Sid, ha! This one drink lasted me through dinner. Sid was an angel baby and slept the entire time! I guess the loud restaurant was good white noise for him. After dinner, we went back to the Pope's. Sid woke up in a good mood and Jennifer fed him a bottle. It took him a minute to latch on because he hasn't had a bottle in a month, but once he did, he sucked down the 4 ounces in no time!

Please notice Claire petting Boyd's head in the background, haha!
Andrew and Claire holding Sid

We didn't leave Flower Mound until close to 8pm. Definitely threw Sid off. He was wide awake the entire way home, but he was so cute riding in the dark car with his eyes open wide! He fell right to sleep after I nursed him one last time when we got home. It was a really fun night, and Sean and I feel as though we were able to remove one side of our training wheels :) Sid did great!!! And it was a comfort knowing if he did happen to get upset, I had plenty of hands to help us with him.


I don't know what parents did without camera phones! I can't keep free space on my phone due to the constant pictures and videos I am taking of my very photogenic son!

Ok well maybe not photogenic in this picture, but tell me you didn't laugh? I made my whole family laugh a few weeks ago when Sid & I sent this picture text wishing them all a happy Friday!

Anyway, pictures and videos have taken over my iPhone! Here are some of my favorites over the last few weeks!

` We had just finished FaceTiming with Grammy...

` They love to lay on the floor together and cover up under a blanket while mommy thinks they are crazy! It's definitely not cold enough for one of those around here! 

` Mister serious!

` Ryan and Melanie finally got to come meet you!

` Playing on your mat for the first time. Your great Aunt Vida got this for you!

` Chilling in the bath! 

` Checking out daddy's bald spot! Just kidding daddy!!

` The day before getting his 2 month shots. Oh the horror!

` Sometimes naps on mommy are just the best! When daddy isn't home we can break the rules. Shhh, don't tell!

` Your first trip to Costco! When I asked SP why we were going down every aisle, he was quick to teach Sid that it's because that is what his Grampa would do with him! Boy is that ever true. My dad would spend hours and come out with way too much stuff that he didn't need, right mom?! Silly man!

` Sid got tired of Costco, so he and I went and sat in the car.

` He is about to outgrow our glider int eh nursery! Oh no! Long legged boy!

` Squirming out of daddy's lap. Grammy says he must be looking for her! (I agree! One more week until Grammy comes, woo!)

` What a face!

` And last but not least, the best video of Sid to date!

Farmers Market + Uncle Adam = A Good Weekend!

Two weekends ago, we ventured out to the Keller Farmers Market early Saturday morning with Sid's Nana and Grandpa. We got lucky down here in the state of Texas with some cooler temperatures for the weekend, so we tried to take advantage! As soon as I finished nursing him we all got dressed and out the door as fast as we could. We knew we didn't have a big window - for Sid or the cooler morning temps!

We bought all kinds of goodies! Grass fed ground beef, fresh eggs, tamales, pastries, hamburger buns, and fresh peaches! If it were up to SP, we'd of bought a whole lot more! I tried to tell him we can come back for more the following weekend :) He loves talking with the venders, which in turn makes him want to buy their product. They love people like him, ha!

Sid slept the whole time. I'm not even sure he is aware he went with us!
Mouth open, eyes shut. Interesting :)

The rest of the afternoon was spent at home getting things ready for Uncle Adam. Ok, truth, we didn't do much to get ready for him. But we were excited none the less! Adam wasn't able to make it into town until 7:30, which is Sid's bath time. We decided to skip the bath and let the two of them get acquainted. Sid was sleeping when he got here, so he got to go wake him up!

Instant buds!

We let Sid chill with us in his lounger while we ate dinner. We made hamburgers with the ingredients from the Farmers Market that morning. After dinner, we put Sid to bed and the rest of us stayed up a while watching Jimmy Fallon skits on YouTube.

The next morning Sean made us french toast and eggs! Yumm! Adam got more time with Sid, which was good because he was in a better mood on Sunday morning :)

Trying to wake up!

We had a great visit and can't wait to see Uncle Adam again over Labor Day. Then, Sid will get to meet his Aunt Christy! She wasn't able to make this visit. Thanks for making the drive for just one night Uncle Adam! We love you!


The Day Sid Busted Out of the Woombie!

Sid is a strong baby and was constantly busting out of the blanket swaddles. He even learned how to break free from the velcro swaddles. A friend told me about the Woombie and I instantly wanted to try it! This thing works like a charm! See for yourself...

I realize it looks a little scary, harsh, evil, cruel, whatever you want to call it. But I swear he loves it. He was just a little upset in this picture because he was ready to eat! He was getting impatient with me for wanting to take his picture first (guilty). He can still wiggle in this and he is able to keep his arms up by his side, which he really likes. We've been using this for a month and a half and only a few times has his little hand popped up around the neck...until today!

I put Sid down for his morning nap and carried the monitor into the office with my bowl of cereal. After about an hour, Sean and I heard him starting to wake up. When we looked at the monitor, this is what we saw!...

His entire ARM was busting out! No longer was it just his tiny fingers popping out, it was his whole arm! We both started laughing so hard. It always makes us laugh in general when Sid is laying in his crib just wide awake and not fussing. It's such a good thing to see, but it just makes us laugh and wonder how he is so content for so long sometimes. Anyway - I went in to stuff his arm back inside thinking maybe he'd fall back to sleep, but when I went in, this is what I got instead!

Are you dying from the cuteness? I couldn't hold my smiles and laughter in, so that in turn made him smile and, of course, NOT want to go back to sleep. I just couldn't stand it. I unswaddled him and that was the end of that nap. Those eyes and that smile...they get me every time!