


Things that I like this week.

Making quick little art prints to hang in our bedroom :)  It is hard to see the detail in the pictures, but I love how they turned out!

The produce at Central Market.  CM is right across the street from where SP and I practice yoga.  We are going to start shopping there more b/c it really is so. much. better.  I have always complained about it being too far, but now I have no excuse after yoga to run over there and buy some fresh produce and wild caught fish!  We bought a piece of red fish and cooked it from Donald Link's recipe on Monday night.  Y'all,  the fish was so fresh it melted in your mouth.  We made Ina's steamed spinach and some quinoa to go along with it.  Tasty tasty!

The cover of Paper Source magazine.  So colorful and cheery for the beginning of Spring!  I think it's practically frame worthy :)  (Just as I typed that last sentence I got an idea to make something with this cover.  Then, I looked over and realized SP took out the recycling and now I have no chance.  Boo!  Guess that's what I get for tossing it too quickly)

Horse art!  I have been d-y-ing for some horsey art on our wall...somewhere! ANYWHERE!  Ever since we moved in almost 3 years ago!  This piece in particular. SP has told me no over and over again.  And it's not even b/c of the price tag (he doesn't even know that part!).  I found this horse hanging the other day.  I didn't even try to bring it home b/c I know the answer :(  And, let's face's not nearly as cool as the previously mentioned.  One day, he is going to see my vision and then I won't even want it anymore!

Colorful owls!  If these buddies had fit w/in my color scheme, they would have made it home with me.  As far as I know, I have no owl restrictions for our house :)

Fuel for yoga!  When we have an early morning class, it's hard to go on an empty stomach, but you also don't want to eat a full breakfast.  So, a handfull of fresh (organic of course!) blueberries does the trick!

Hydration for yoga!  Once we started going to Fire class (98.6 degrees!) I started getting terrible, migraine-like headaches for the entire rest of the day.  I have always been one to drink lots of H2O. My dad alllllllllways has water with him, and I think he is to credit for this good habit.  BUT, what I thought was enough before, during, and after this hour long hot sweaty class, clearly wasn't.  So after a bad headache on Monday, I made it my top priority to guzzle water all day on Tuesday in preparation for my early Wednesday class.  The difference I felt during class, after really focusing on my hydration the day before was incredible. I walked out of the hot room that morning and looked at SP and told him "I'm not going to have a headache today, I can just feel it."  And sure enough...yesterday was headache free!  Today, back to hydrate! hydrate! hydrate! for class tomorrow!!

1 L of coconut water after class to replenish my electrolytes. 
And so many of these glasses of plain ole H2O
I am making a body pillow cover.  Leave it to me to not find a fabric that I really like.  So I went to the craft store and bought some white canvas fabric.  I am going to paint my own pattern on it, then sew it into a cover!  Can you see that strip of polka-dots on the white body pillow in this pic?  That is what I'm planning on doing.  It's a silver-greyish paint color.  Fingers crossed I can make this cover.  I might be waiting until Sunday when my mom is here to help sew :)

Spring has arrived!  I planted these daffodil bulbs at the end of last year.  I have been watching them pop up for for a few months now.  Yesterday evening, between the hours of 6 and 7 THIS happened!  YAY!  Pure happiness seeing something you plant so deep in the earth rise up so beautiful!

My amaryllis bulb is really starting to open up!  My mom gifted this to me.  I waiting a little while before planting it, and I was a bit worried it wasn't going to work but look!  It loves its spot on my nightstand.  SP calls this my plant b/c I planted it.  So everyday he stares at it and says,  "I love your plant!"  Guess I have more of a green thumb than I thought.  Oh on that note...I think I need to go water it... ha!

My mom and dad are coming on Saturday, YIPPEE!!!  It will be a really quick trip. They are just stopping through on their way down to Houston.  SP and I will be meeting them down there in another week in hopes for surgery on April 1.  Prayers please!

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