

Week 1 : Run 1

Sunday was beautiful!  We woke up and hit the Keller Trails for my first go at the C25K!  Unfortunately SP has a knee injury that prevents him from running.

So, the run:
Not a bad run, considering it was my first time to get moving in quite some time (shh, don't judge!).

We decided to go the full 30 minutes instead of turning around at 15 minutes and head back to the car.  By the time my last run was over, I realized that was a bad move for our first day of exercise.  My legs were so tired and I was completely parched!  Not to mention that beautiful, cool, Sunday AM had turned into a warm/steamy late morning and I was ready for my yummy ice water waiting for me in the car!

One run down, 2 more to go for this week!

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